
很多人問紅豆媽,懷孕時會不會每天覺得噁心, 吃不下東西,昏昏沉沉,不舒服??

當然紅豆媽和一般媽媽一樣,剛懷孕時覺得自己每天都像在海上漂來漂去,又暈又噁,反胃更是家常便飯,上不了廳堂,更下不得廚房,每天就是爬文看有什麼偏方可以舒緩孕期不適的症狀,後來才找到現在在美國媽媽之間很夯的好東西--Psi Bands,受到美國各大孕婦、育嬰和女性雜誌(FitPregnancy,Pregnancy,Parent,Baby,Self...等)一致推薦,連名嘴Oprah都在自己的雜誌上大力推薦呢!!


Psi Band 是由2個懷孕時深受孕吐之苦的媽媽開發的孕期產品, 在美國受到很多媽媽的好評,因為他的手環設計不但兼具實用性,而且還很秀氣可愛。

 Psi Bands 防噁心,防暈,防嘔吐使用原理,其實是中國的穴道按摩,透過刺激按壓內關穴,達到減輕孕期不適的各種症狀,既不用擔心孕期吃藥的問題,也不需要一直自己做按摩刺激(手痠又不方便做事),只要繫上Psi Band 調整好鬆緊,就可以持續減輕頭暈噁心的不舒服感,連續帶著幾個小時也不會有問題,非常安全方便。

Psi Band 所強調的是無藥(Drug-Free)的舒緩法,把吃止暈藥止吐劑的風險降到最低,對懷孕中的媽媽是最溫和舒緩孕吐(Morning Sickness)的方式。

Morning Sickness 使用者見證:

"Week 7 was a huge sign that I was actually pregnant. There were a few days that it took me hours to get off the bathroom floor and actually function. After I bought my PsiBand that was a thing of the past. Almost instantly I felt a difference. Now I put them on before bed and wake up feeling like a normal human being and not some creature from the porcelain lagoon!" - Rochelle

"My morning sickness was relieved by Psi Bands and they were very comfortable. Better yet, no one at work knew they were for nausea because the bands are so stylish!" - Sarah de la Torre, M.D., Seattle Obstetrics & Gynecology Group

"Psi Bands made weeks seven through 11 so much smoother. I wore Psi Bands for up to 12 hours a day and felt much better." - Petula Lee


根據Psi Band公司研究顯示和使用者評價,Psi Band不僅可以減輕孕期不適的症狀, 對暈機、暈車、暈船...等活動性暈眩(Motion sickness)也有很好的效果。

Motion Sickness 使用者見證:

"My beautiful Psi Bands worked perfectly on our Atlantic crossing this March. Even when the ocean reached 20 foot swells, I slept securely and soundly while wearing Psi Bands. One night my dinner didn't quite agree with my stomach. I strapped on my Psi Bands and again slept like a log." - Lynn

"Psi Bands worked wonderfully for me both on a sail boat and--most amazingly of all--in a car. I have never been able to read while in a car before, but with Psi Bands I did so without any difficulty at all." - M Thiebaud


最近Psi Band公司更接到使用者回饋見證,Psi Band 對減輕Chemotherapy(化療)病人感到的不適感,和手術後麻醉帶來的暈眩噁心也有不錯的舒緩效果。

Chemotherapy 使用者見證:

“I received Psi Bands a few days after my first chemotherapy infusion, about the same time the side effects were at their worst. I noticed a drastic reduction of nausea and was able to reduce my anti-nausea medication. I forgot to put them back on after a shower and the nausea returned which reminded me to put them on. I feel better facing the next infusion due to Psi Bands. Thank you for a great alternative to prescription medications. Thanks for a great product." - Steve Tatum

"I took chemotherapy injections for five months. During this time, I had a lot of nausea. After about three months of chemotherapy, I found out about Psi Bands. After using Psi Bands, my nausea subsided. In my opinion, Psi Bands work EXTREMELY well for nausea." - A. Maxine Warwick

"I used Psi Bands when I was undergoing chemotherapy for colorectal cancer.  I must admit that I was skeptical, but the bands worked. When I wore them, my nausea disappeared. I was so glad to have a natural option." - Cindy Clark

Anesthesia 使用者見證:

"Post surgery, I had to take medications that made me nauseous.  I put on Psi Bands after the onset of nausea and found relief within minutes!  I didn't remove the bands until I was off the medication for fear of the nausea returning.  I was definitely able to breathe a "Psi" of relief!" - Denise Fineroff

Psi Band 是單一尺寸(one size),大人小孩,男女皆可調整使用。一共有5個款式,設計新潮時尚,帶起來就像一般手環一樣美觀輕巧。

更多產品資訊請看Psi Bands 官網



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